Author: Kenny Wilkes Jr

TKO-WWE, WHAT’S REALLY GOOD?? : A Tribute to WWE’s Black Superstars and Legends

With Black History Month coming to a close I could NOT let this slide or pass. It would be simply ignorant on my part of what I am trying to build, who and what I represent, and the platform we’re attempting to create not only here but through other mediums… As a Black man in […]

My WWE 2K Superstars & Legends Wishlist Part Tew

Welcome back, I appreciate everyone who gave feedback on the first half of the countdown and we’re going to keep it rolling with the final half as well as some honorable mentions. Don’t forget to fire off your thoughts down below ! 10. Konnan – “ ¡ÒRALE! ¡ARIBBA LA RAZA!, Yoyoyoyo let me speak on […]

My WWE 2K Superstars & Legends Wishlist Part 1

20. The Impact Players – ECW’s tag team division was never quite the same again once the Impact Players, Justin Credible and Lance Storm hit the scene in 1999. They captured the ECW Tag Team Championships on two occasions, while Justin Credible went on to win the World Championship. Storm found success as a triple […]

From Power Rangers to People’s Champ: An introductory essay

(Young KenRock some time in 1999) The Beginning Before we get into it, let me introduce myself. I am Kenny Wilkes Jr.Baltimore born and raised since the summer of 1995. Oldest of three, Tribal Chief of my generation, etc., etc. You might remember me from my breakout role in The Wire.. okay, maybe not. But […]