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TKO-WWE, WHAT’S REALLY GOOD?? : A Tribute to WWE’s Black Superstars and Legends

With Black History Month coming to a close I could NOT let this slide or pass. It would be simply ignorant on my part of what I am trying to build, who and what I represent, and the platform we’re attempting to create not only here but through other mediums… As a Black man in America during these ever-so-trying times I find it baffling that my favorite form of entertainment would be subject to such practices then again when you look deeper into history you will see that things have been like this from the beginning. In this excerpt I will be speaking from the heart, everyone may not agree with where I am coming from and that’s fine as long as you understand.

I feel it is extremely important to address what I am about to lay out in this here write-up. This isn’t only important to me but to several Black American WWE fans who have been sounding off about this very issue on social media. I honestly hate getting political but certain things can’t be unseen once they’re presented right in front of my face.

Over the years during February also known as Black History Month in the United States of America. The audience is usually treated to a series of video packages of pioneers of the Black struggle in pro wrestling, an explanation of their triumphs, and an emphatic thank you. This is how the WWE did such a good job of connecting the past generation to the current generation as most of these wrestlers were stars in their own right during the earlier part of the century such as Bobo Brazil, Thunderbolt Patterson, and Sweet Georgia Brown to name a few.

I would be remiss if I said people of all backgrounds looked forward to these short educational video packages as they became an integral part of the WWE programming flow for years to come.

This brings us to the elephant in the room, I believe 2025 was the first year since the start of this practice that it was relegated to just one video at the beginning of the month and that’s it. It’s also fair to point out that the main person behind these video packages initially was former WWE Chairman & Owner, Vincent K. McMahon who historically hasn’t always been the best when it comes to booking his Black characters but still found it in his heart to not only acknowledge those that paved the way for stars like The Rock, Kofi Kingston and Bobby Lashley to achieve the highest honor possible in WWE Champion and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr on his (nationally recognized) birthday. Not to mention the celebrities that we hold near to our community ranging from Muhammad Ali to Aretha Franklin to Run-DMC to Snoop Dogg, all of which and more have either appeared on WWE TV usually performing at the opening of Wrestlemania or in Snoop’s case have performed in the ring to some degree and earned a spot in the Hall of Fame.
All of that was said to say we’ve found it a bit odd, that this has sort of been washed away, and there are several people the finger could be pointed at: “Triple H” Paul Levesque is CCO so anything that makes TV or doesn’t runs through him.
Also very famously said he doesn’t “see color, he sees talent” While I get it, it was bad timing.; Ari Emanuel, TKO Head honcho, it’s no secret he’s been buddy-buddy with a certain President for quite a while, and with the wipeout of anything “D.E.I” related we find the timing very odd.; Vince McMahon himself, it is pretty much worldwide news that he’s in a pretty heavy legal situation right now. There’s a small possibility that the packages could’ve been done away with because the company wanted to move away from certain things attached to Vince, but again that would be such an odd thing to do away with if there wasn’t another reason…no?

Is there something more to this or is it just an oversight on their part ? Let us know how you feel down below !

My WWE 2K Superstars & Legends Wishlist Part Tew

Welcome back, I appreciate everyone who gave feedback on the first half of the countdown and we’re going to keep it rolling with the final half as well as some honorable mentions. Don’t forget to fire off your thoughts down below !

10. Konnan –

“ ¡ÒRALE! ¡ARIBBA LA RAZA!, Yoyoyoyo let me speak on this !” Just hearing that intro from K-Dawg would get the crowd hype no matter what city he was in. Behind the scenes in WCW, he was very instrumental in bringing over alot of the luchadores that would make up the Cruiserweight division and provide as a liaison between AAA and WCW for a time. He would later join the nWo and later the nWo Wolfpac before being kicked out by Kevin Nash and Lex Luger for sticking up for Rey Jr, this betrayal would later lead to the formation of The Filthy Animals.

9. Billy Kidman –

From his time in The Flock to his time in WWE, Kidman has soared his way into the hearts of fans both old and young. A mainstay fixture of WCW’s Cruiserweight division, Billy Kidman would go on to capture the crown of the division a remarkable three times, as well as two reigns as World Tag Team champions, and the final Cruiserweight Tag Team champions with fellow Filthy Animals Member, Rey Mysterio Jr. Joining WWF (later WWE) in 2001 as apart of the Invasion, he would win the Cruiserweight championship another four times and the WWE Tag Team championship one time with Paul London before retiring and becoming a road agent.

8. Dean Malenko –

Whether known as The Iceman, or The Man of 1000 Holds; Dean Malenko was known as one of the most technically gifted wrestlers of his generation. He would find international success with his brother Joe in various tours of Japan before emerging in ECW in the summer of ‘94. There he would become known as The Shooter and would go on to win the ECW Television and Tag Team Championships before leaving for WCW in 1995 where he would later become a member of the revamped Four Horsemen as well as capturing every singles championship sans the World Heavyweight title.

7. The Eliminators –

The Eliminators: Perry Saturn and John Kronus laid waste to ECW’s tag team division in the mid 90s with their innovative offense and no nonsense attitude. Cutting their teeth in the USWA as well as Japan’s WAR promotion, they brought technical ability matched with hard hitting strikes, and once they hit Total Elimination? You knew it was over. As a team they boast four tag team title reigns across ECW and USWA. They split in 1997 when Saturn left for WCW with Raven.

6. D’Lo Brown –

The Nation’s longest tenured member not named Ron Simmons. Watching D’Lo Brown during the Attitude Era was a real treat because he could do it all. Not only that he had the swagger and smack talk to back it up proving to be “The Real Deal” indeed. He wasn’t the first Euro-Continental Champion for nothing ya know?!

5. Monty Brown/Marcus Cor Von –

The former NFL player burst on the Pro Wrestling Serengeti in the year 2000 after training with Sabu and Dan Severn. He wouldn’t really make his mark until he returned to TNA in 2004 thus birthing “The Alpha Male”. Capturing the hearts of fans no matter if he was face or heel whether it was his promo ability or his finisher ‘the Pounce’, he became an integral part of the TNA roster until joining the WWE briefly in 2007 as apart of the ECW New Breed before quietly retiring to handle some family business .

4. Jeff Jarrett –

What more can be said about perennial wrestling legend Jeff Jarrett? One of the last holdouts from the late days of the territory era, Double J has wrestled just about everywhere there is to wrestle as far as major companies go. One of the easiest heels to cheer against in my opinion, that’s just a testament to his work. I believe my favorite run of his would be in 1999. The “Don’t Piss Me Off” era was full of moments that sort of had Jeff just about to break through. But WCW’s Chosen One brought him to World Championship glory and you really can’t deny how over he was at this time either. Deuces Up, and a Fargo strut for Double J! Ain’t he great?

3. Mike Awesome –

After spending the better part of the 90s in Japan wreaking havoc as The Gladiator in FMW and All Japan. Mike Awesome arrived in ECW full time and set out on a path of destruction. Most notably feuding with Masato Tanaka during this run; he captured the ECW World Heavyweight Championship defeating Taz and Masato Tanaka in a three way dance in 1999. He would later lose it in controversial fashion to Tazz who was contracted by the WWF at the time and Awesome had jumped to WCW whilst still champion making for an interesting moment in history.

2. Raven –

As a kid the only other wrestler that hit that cool factor for me in 2000 was Raven. Fresh off of a short stay in ECW, he debuted in the WWF aligning himself with Tazz. In my eyes everything about him was different from what I was used to seeing on WWF tv at tbe time. He hasn’t been featured in a game proper since WWE Smackdown!:Shut Your Mouth, and I think it would be a great time to reintroduce him to a new generation of fans.

1. Buff Bagwell –

Some may be surprised but, Buff is actually the reason this list even came to be. While listening to an episode of the Deadlock podcast it was mentioned that he has never been featured in any WWE games as a character ever. With his recent resurgence with the help of Hall of Famer and all around LEGEND, Diamond Dallas Page & DDPYoga I felt that it was the time to start the campaign for Buff Bagwell and WWE to mend that broken relationship that’s left the fans out in the cold for almost 25 years.

(Honorable Mentions)

the Mean Street Posse, Gillberg, Droz & Prince Albert, Too Much, and The Blue Meanie/BWO

My WWE 2K Superstars & Legends Wishlist Part 1

The following list is a personal wishlist of past wrestlers/tag teams I would like to see added to future releases of WWE 2K. Some may agree others may not. Some of these are likely while others are most likely not getting further than lists like this one. I hope you enjoy part one of the countdown, sound off in the comments on who you think I missed !

20. The Impact Players –

ECW’s tag team division was never quite the same again once the Impact Players, Justin Credible and Lance Storm hit the scene in 1999. They captured the ECW Tag Team Championships on two occasions, while Justin Credible went on to win the World Championship. Storm found success as a triple crown champion in the WCW midcard during their last year.

19. Test –

When we talk about big men in the wrestling business Test’s name often goes in the category of “what if?”, he had good size, decent mechanics for someone his height and was in some memorable moments but never really got that real main event push. That being said, he also hasn’t been featured in a WWE game since Here Comes the Pain despite being in the company until 2007. Hopefully one day all those Testicles out there can revel in playing as their guy one more time.
When we talk about big men in the wrestling business Test’s name often goes in the category of “what if?”, he had good size, decent mechanics for someone his height and was in some memorable moments but never really got that real main event push. That being said, he also hasn’t been featured in a WWE game since Here Comes the Pain despite being in the company until 2007. Hopefully one day all those Testicles out there can revel in playing as their guy one more time.

18. Shane Douglas –

“CUT THE DAMN MUSIC!” Shane Douglas is never one to stray away from controversy! Whether it’s his exit from the WWE in 1995, or his disappearance and return to WCW in 2000, among other exploits in the world of wrestling. While he didn’t physically appear on WWE tv since 1995, The Franchise was indeed some of the inspiration behind Triple H’s character direction as The Game. Do the knowledge!


Who knew a broken neck one send one man on a path of destruction for nearly five years? TAZ vs SABU was one of the more iconic feud in the South Philly based promotion that would span just about their entire tenure on and off there. Also while there Taz captured the Tag Team Championships, World Television and World Heavyweight Championships. Even creating his own title when Shane Douglas refused to face him; thus birthing the FTW CHAMPIONSHIP. Taz currently works in AEW where he revived the FTW Championship for a time.

16. Stan “The Lariat” Hansen (WCW ‘92) –

When you think of tough, no nonsense, rough-em-up wrestlers, Stan “The Lariat” Hansen better be somewhere at the top of that list! Hailing from Borger, Texas the dip spitting cowboy was not one to mess with capturing championship gold not only in the US but Japan as well ; bolstering reigns as AWA World Champion, WCW United States Heavyweight Champion & the coveted All Japan Triple Crown on four different occasions respectively.

15. The Miracle Violence Connection (WCW‘92) –

What do you get when one hand, you have 1/3 of one of the most iconic groups of professional wrestling and one of the premier collegiate wrestlers turned pro? One of the biggest, hard-hitting tag teams to come through Japan and North America. Terry “Bam Bam” Gordy & “Dr. Death” Steve Williams wrecked shop absolutely everywhere they went. Notable matches against the aforementioned Stan Hansen & his partner Tenryu, and legends Jumbo Tsuruta & The Great Kabuki, as well as Kawada & Taue put them on the map.

14. Vikingo –

Not one for living life slow, Vikingo has made a name for himself around the world but mainly in his native Mexico as one of the premier athletes competing in ÁÁÁ Lucha Libre. From his areial assault to his dazzling theatrics. Vikingo captures the hearts of fans where he turns up.

13. Kenny Omega –

When you think of wrestling & video games in today’s day and age there’s a handful of people that come to mind but if this man isn’t one of the first then you’re doing it wrong. Kenny Omega has been making his name across the world since the early 2000s competing everywhere from his native, Canada to Mexico and Japan where he would go on to capture multiple championships as well as America where he currently serves as one of AEW’s cornerstone competitors as well as EVP. Omega has wowed us with combinations of aerial assault, hard-hitting striking ability, and the theatrical flare to tie it all together. Bringing his V-Trigger and Terminator Dive to 2K games officially would be a treat for fans both old and new

12. Essa Rios –

There are several Attitude Era talent that has captured the hearts of the fans no matter their place on the card. Essa Rios was indeed one of those people for me! One of the youngest champions in WWE history being 21 when he won the Light Heavyweight Championship from Gillberg. He brought excitement and flair to the fledgling division and I wish they did more with him.

11.The Holly Cousins –

The Big Shot. The Hardcore Houdini. The Wholesome Diva. This trio of “cousins” made their mark in the WWE’s Attitude Era during the peak of popularity. Bob “Hardcore” Holly was an undercard hand for most of the 90s, finding the most success during his run ss Hardcore Holly mainly after leaving the JOB Squad. Enter Crash, debuting as the estranged cousin of Hardcore; the pair of cousins would often be seen at the throats of each other rather than the other wrestlers. This didn’t hold them back however as they captured Tag Team gold on one occasion as well as singles titles. Molly Holly has been featured previously but I don’t believe it was in this incarnation. Debuting in 2000 to add some balance to the Hollys’ feud with T&A flanked by Trish Stratus, she wowed the WWE fans with her technical and high flying ability. She too would later find gold, holding the Women’s Championship on two different occasions as well as the Hardcore Championship before being inducted into the Hall of Fame.

Alright! This wraps the first half of the list. Sound off in the comments on who you’d like to see added to the games in the future

Thank you for rocking with me!

From Power Rangers to People’s Champ: An introductory essay

(Young KenRock some time in 1999)

The Beginning

Before we get into it, let me introduce myself. I am Kenny Wilkes Jr.Baltimore born and raised since the summer of 1995. Oldest of three, Tribal Chief of my generation, etc., etc.

You might remember me from my breakout role in The Wire.. okay, maybe not. But chances are, you’ve seen me around; maybe pushing a cart across the Horseshoe Casino floor, indulging in a classic chicken box at your local carryout, or crushing crab cakes at Jimmy’s during a WrestleMania viewing.

Wrestling has been a constant in my life for as long as I can remember. It has been my passion, my escape, and at times, my obsession. So let’s rewind to where it all began.

Flipping Channels, Finding Destiny

Like many fans my age, my relationship with wrestling traces back to the Attitude Era. I can’t pinpoint the exact moment I discovered it, but I have flashes of memory from the summer of 1998.

The first came at my grandmother’s house. While flipping through channels, I landed on WCW Nitro. I really don’t remember there being any action at that moment, so I kept it moving but I remember that ring, and I remember those three letters: W-C-W.

The second glimpse came while watching Small Soldiers with my great-aunt and cousins. In one scene, a TV in the background showed a clip of Raw is War. If my memory serves me right, it was The Rock vs. Ahmed Johnson (though I could be way off). That brief moment intrigued me, and I turned to my cousins and asked, “y’all watch this? too” They did. In fact, they were huge fans. They even let me watch a VHS tape though, I fell asleep before the actual matches started.

That1 Christmas, my first wrestling figures arrived WCW figures, to be exact. I got the WCW Ultimate Ring and Cage, which came with The Giant and Kevin Nash. But despite these early exposures, wrestling wasn’t my top priority just yet. My heart at the time belonged to Power Rangers and Fox Kids.

Turning Point no TNA

Everything changed in 1999. That was the year I first watched Sunday Night Heat and later, SmackDown!. Those shows were my gateway into the wild, electrifying world of the then-WWF.

But what truly sealed the deal? WrestleMania 2000 on the N64. That game was my initiation, my full immersion into the business. I wasn’t just watching wrestling”I was playing it, breathing it, living it.

Like many kids my age, the 1999-2000 period was monumental for me. It was also when I became a die-hard fan of The Rock. And when I say die-hard, I mean it. I had the posters, the portraits, the character cups, the t-shirts. Action figures? Of course. I even tried to emulate his sideburns well after he had shaved them off. That’s how deep the fandom ran.

It wasn’t just about the swag, it was his promo skills, the way he captivated an audience, the emotion he put into his matches. The Rock was never just a wrestler; he was the guy. And to me, he still is.

Holding On to the Memories

Looking back, that year-and-a-half period was pivotal. In spite of everything happening around me, wrestling was my constant. It was my world. And if I could relive it all again, first-hand, I would in a heartbeat.

But that is the beauty of nostalgia. The memories remain, locked in time, ready to be shared. Over the years, I have passed them down to my siblings and younger cousins, just as my family introduced me to wrestling back in the day. And someday, I hope to share them with a child of my own.

Because for me, wrestling isn’t just entertainment it’s a lifelong love affair.

(AI tried, BUT YOU SEE IT)

Myles Garrett Wants Out

 Credit Image: © Jake Mysliwczyk/BMR via ZUMA Press Wire

Cleveland Browns star edge rusher Myles Garrett has officially requested a trade from the team. The 2023 Defensive Player of the Year has been consistently great for years. Unlike their star player, the Browns have not been as great. Garrett’s desire to win more than individual awards has been apparent for some time now. It became evident while the Browns were featured on the most recent season of HBO’s Hard Knocks.

Garrett’s statement proves that winning still matters to players in this league. In a money driven league where everyone is out for the biggest pay day no matter the location; it’s refreshing to see a generational talent want more. This is only the beginning of what will be an ongoing saga as the offseason gets underway. Garrett’s request comes days after Browns GM Andrew Barry said he would not trade him.

GM’s have no problem cutting or trading a player when it is beneficial for them. When the player wants out they get painted in as selfish which is simply not fair. The former sack leader deserves to be on a team that will put him in a position to play football deeper into January. Andrew Berry should grant the trade request as a thank you to everything Garrett has given that wretched organization. Teams will be calling about Garrett’s services, but will Andrew Berry answer?

The Future Is Now

Luka and LeBron as ASG teammates (AP Photo/Darron Cummings)

Life After LeBron

The league’s all time leading scorer just turned 40 this past December, he’s not playing like it but how much longer can he go? At the age of 40 a player of his caliber should not still be in the driver’s seat. When the Lakers brought in Anthony Davis in, there were not only immediate championship aspirations but the hope that Davis would take the torch from LeBron. Davis was set to be at the forefront of the organization for years to come.

Unfortunately injuries, bad playoff losses, and overall disappointment following the 2020 championship run may have lead Lakers brass to want to make a change. Davis turns 32 next month whereas Dončić will be 26 later this month.

The NBA is a business at the end of day and Luka in LA is what’s best for business. He has the star power to sell merch, tickets, and most importantly make Los Angeles an even more desirable destination. Players in the league will flock to play with Luka as we move out of the LeBron-LA era.

Lakers GM Rob Pelinka is hoping the transition will be seamless, possibly involving James winning his second ring with the franchise.

Is It Winning Time Right Now?

After a trade goes through the question will immediately be, does the move make them a contender? Losing Anthony Davis does leave the Lakers without a true big man, defensive presence, and puts them in a predicament with more liabilities than they already have. Daniel Gafford and Derek Lively III were not involved in this deal so some feel the Lakers are worse off now.

A team with Luka Dončić and LeBron James is worse off!? That’s such a head scratching thought to even have. Two of the best scoring facilitators in the league are now on the same roster, everyone should be very afraid. Shooters like Austin Reaves, Dalton Knecht, and Luka’s former teammate Dorian Finney Smith will benefit greatly for what’s coming.

That first lob from Luka to LeBron will cause a seismic shift inside the Crptyto Arena. This Lakers team may struggle defensively but the scoring will be there. The NBA should take notice of how truly impactful this trade will be. Luka Dončić being traded to the Lakers will go down as the single most significant trade in sports history. This is the greatest trade of all time.