With Black History Month coming to a close I could NOT let this slide or pass. It would be simply ignorant on my part of what I am trying to build, who and what I represent, and the platform we’re attempting to create not only here but through other mediums… As a Black man in America during these ever-so-trying times I find it baffling that my favorite form of entertainment would be subject to such practices then again when you look deeper into history you will see that things have been like this from the beginning. In this excerpt I will be speaking from the heart, everyone may not agree with where I am coming from and that’s fine as long as you understand.
I feel it is extremely important to address what I am about to lay out in this here write-up. This isn’t only important to me but to several Black American WWE fans who have been sounding off about this very issue on social media. I honestly hate getting political but certain things can’t be unseen once they’re presented right in front of my face.
Over the years during February also known as Black History Month in the United States of America. The audience is usually treated to a series of video packages of pioneers of the Black struggle in pro wrestling, an explanation of their triumphs, and an emphatic thank you. This is how the WWE did such a good job of connecting the past generation to the current generation as most of these wrestlers were stars in their own right during the earlier part of the century such as Bobo Brazil, Thunderbolt Patterson, and Sweet Georgia Brown to name a few.
I would be remiss if I said people of all backgrounds looked forward to these short educational video packages as they became an integral part of the WWE programming flow for years to come.
This brings us to the elephant in the room, I believe 2025 was the first year since the start of this practice that it was relegated to just one video at the beginning of the month and that’s it. It’s also fair to point out that the main person behind these video packages initially was former WWE Chairman & Owner, Vincent K. McMahon who historically hasn’t always been the best when it comes to booking his Black characters but still found it in his heart to not only acknowledge those that paved the way for stars like The Rock, Kofi Kingston and Bobby Lashley to achieve the highest honor possible in WWE Champion and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr on his (nationally recognized) birthday. Not to mention the celebrities that we hold near to our community ranging from Muhammad Ali to Aretha Franklin to Run-DMC to Snoop Dogg, all of which and more have either appeared on WWE TV usually performing at the opening of Wrestlemania or in Snoop’s case have performed in the ring to some degree and earned a spot in the Hall of Fame.
All of that was said to say we’ve found it a bit odd, that this has sort of been washed away, and there are several people the finger could be pointed at: “Triple H” Paul Levesque is CCO so anything that makes TV or doesn’t runs through him.
Also very famously said he doesn’t “see color, he sees talent” While I get it, it was bad timing.; Ari Emanuel, TKO Head honcho, it’s no secret he’s been buddy-buddy with a certain President for quite a while, and with the wipeout of anything “D.E.I” related we find the timing very odd.; Vince McMahon himself, it is pretty much worldwide news that he’s in a pretty heavy legal situation right now. There’s a small possibility that the packages could’ve been done away with because the company wanted to move away from certain things attached to Vince, but again that would be such an odd thing to do away with if there wasn’t another reason…no?
Is there something more to this or is it just an oversight on their part ? Let us know how you feel down below !
As a black man it’s crazy to see how many of the things we hold dear coming up in America (especially sports and entertainment) will literally push agendas and narratives that directly and indirectly go against our wellbeing as a people. It’s a sad reality, and I think with Saudi Buying out they will care less and less about blacks and will gravitate to POC imo. Great read 🤝🏾